Bugaboo Bee3 Review

One of the joys of having a baby is being able to introduce them to the world around them. Taking them to the park or on family vacations are just some of the delightful ways to provide stimulation and interaction. A simple trip to the grocery could also be a welcome activity… if you have the right stroller or baby buggy.

The Bugaboo Bee3 is a premium stroller that makes those experiences possible. It’s wonderfully light and maneuverable. It has adjustable seat positioning that lets it grow with your child from infancy until toddlerhood. In addition, it doesn’t take up a lot of space and is easy to maintain. However, this product is more expensive than a regular stroller.

Is this the best stroller for you and baby? Scroll down to find out more.

Bugaboo Bee 3 Pros and Cons

Bugaboo has been making luxury baby travel systems since 1999. The Bee 3 is just one of their strollers that focus on timeless design and the use of high-quality materials. Here is a quick summary of the benefits and drawbacks of this particular model, followed by a more detailed explanation.


  • Stylish design
  • Can be used from newborn to toddler age
  • Lightweight and compact
  • Easy to maneuver in tight spots
  • Hands-free brake
  • Easy to clean
  • Includes a rain cover


  • High price
  • Not suitable for rough terrain
  • Footrest not adjustable
  • Difficult to assemble
  • Limited storage
  • Car seat adapter not included

What We Love

There are many things to love about the Bugaboo Bee 3. It’s undeniably attractive, but it also has some features that will meet many parents’ standards. Among them are its versatility, lightness, and small footprint. Let’s discuss them one by one.

1. Stylish Design

The Bee 3 combines form and function with its classic lines and versatile design. The first thing anyone will notice is that it looks really good. It has a streamlined appearance that’s luxurious at the same time. For extra Instagram points, you could choose the fun Andy Warhol banana edition with a matching tote. Or, if you want baby to be inspired by Van Gogh, how about the lovely Almond Blossom version?

As for versatility, this stroller allows your child to sit facing you or away in the direction you’re going in with the minimum of fuss. Moreover, the telescopic handlebar is easily adjusted for your partner’s or your height.

2. Can Be Used from Newborn to Toddler Age

The complete Bee 3 kit comes with a seat that can be reclined to three levels. Fully reclined is for napping, upright is for observing the world, and the mid-point is for relaxation. The entire backrest can be moved up and down, too, for more shoulder room as your toddler grows.

However, don’t think that you have to wait until baby is six months old to use this product. With an optional Bugaboo Bee3 Bassinet or Baby Cocoon, you can bring your newborn straight from the hospital in it.

3. Lightweight and Compact

The Bee 3 is not the lightest baby buggy out there, but at 19.6 pounds, it isn’t difficult to carry on your shoulder as you go up and down the stairs. When folded, it is a tiny 35.4 x 18.3 x 12.6 inches that you can stash anywhere in your home or your vehicle’s trunk. Collapsing it quickly takes some practice, but that’s normal for any stroller. And while it won’t stand up independently when folded, you can wheel it along effortlessly like a small trolley.

If you’re planning to check this stroller in as luggage, then Bugaboo offers a Compact Transport Bag that will protect it from dirt and scratches. It’s made of durable, water-repellent fabric that packs into the under-seat basket when not in use.

4. Easy to Maneuver in Tight Spots

Because it is so light, you can push and steer the Bee 3 with just one hand. With its narrow width of 21 inches, you can maneuver it nicely in tight spaces. The 6-inch wheels are made of foam-filled rubber, reducing any worries you may have about flat tires. These small wheels let the stroller turn on a dime and make going around sharp corners at the supermarket a cinch.

5. Hands-free Brake

The Bee 3 brake system is a breeze to operate. Simply use your foot to push down the white pedal behind the storage basket to secure the stroller. To release, depress the pedal again or just flip it to the up position. It’s very convenient when you need to keep your hands on the handlebar or free them up to do other things.

6. Easy to Clean

The Bee 3 can be taken apart for easy cleaning. The seat and sun canopy are made of 100% polyester and machine-washable. The Bugaboo website says that the bassinet that’s sold separately should be hand-washed, but we see no reason why it can’t be thrown into the washing machine, too. As for the aluminum chassis, hosing it down and letting it air-dry is possible although that may seem a bit extreme. A wipe-down with a washcloth should be more than adequate.

The cute sun canopy, by the way, is water-repellent and provides an Ultraviolet Protection Factor (UPF) of 50+. It extends far enough to fully cover your child, but there is still sufficient airflow.

7. Includes a Rain Cover

We love a product that comes with accessories, and the Bee 3 rain cover is a useful one indeed. This weather shield can be used in both bassinet and seat mode. It provides excellent protection against rain, snow, wind, and cold.

What We Don’t Love

Although the Bugaboo Bee 3 offers many advantages, it isn’t perfect. Some features can be improved upon, such as the storage system and footrest. Furthermore, for its hefty price tag, there seem to be a few things missing. The inconveniences that we agreed on are:

1. High Price

Compared to other strollers in its class, the Bee 3 is more expensive. That’s to be expected because Bugaboo is unashamedly a luxury brand. Nevertheless, they could have thrown in a few more accessories such as the Bugaboo Cup Holder.

If your heart is set on a Bugaboo but you want something cheaper, then the Bugaboo Ant is a great alternative. It’s also lighter and more compact than the Bee 3 if you’re planning to take a lot of family trips.

2. Not Suitable for Rough Terrain

Unfortunately, the Bee 3 does not perform well on carpet, grass, or sand. Granted, it’s designed as an urban pushchair. However, unless the sidewalk is totally flat or you’re rolling it indoors on wood or tile, this model seems to have trouble. Dealing with unexpected bumps or uneven surfaces, even in an urban landscape, is a chore. For an all-terrain stroller, we recommend the Bugaboo Cameleon instead.

3. Footrest Not Adjustable

The footrest of the Bee 3 is essentially a plastic bar that sits on the front of the storage basket. It isn’t adjustable, nor is it padded. As baby grows into toddlerhood, their legs and feet will be left sort of dangling over the edge. It doesn’t look as comfortable as a stroller with a soft footrest that can be moved up and down.

Another thing that is lacking is a bar across the front. From a safety standpoint, the five-point harness does a fine job. But for some parents, a belly bar feels more secure. It’s also something for baby to rest their feet and legs on when they’re feeling chill.

4. Difficult to Assemble

The instruction manual of the Bee 3 is frustrating because it’s illustrations only, no words. Deciphering them and putting the product together took us over twenty minutes. Installing the cover and setting up the sun canopy took up the bulk of the time. Thankfully, once it’s fully assembled, there’s really no need to break it down into its separate parts again.

5. Limited Storage

The under-seat basket is just an open hammock below the center of the chassis. It can carry a maximum load of 8.8 pounds, but the netting isn’t elastic. Accessing it could be problematic, too. Storing and removing large objects entails having to lift the seat slightly if baby is facing forward. It is much easier when the seat is facing towards you.

6. Car Seat Adapter Not Included

The Bee 3 is car seat-compatible, but you need to purchase an adapter separately. Bugaloo recommends BritaxRömer or Maxi-Cosi.

Bugaboo Bee 3 Statistics

  • Minimum age of child: Newborn with bassinet or cocoon, 6 months with seat
  • Maximum weight of child: 37.5 lbs
  • Stroller width: 21 inches
  • Stroller weight: 19.6 lbs with seat
  • Folded stroller dimensions: 35.4 x 18.3 x 12.6 inches       
  • Under-seat storage capacity: 8.8 lbs
  • Wheels diameter: 6 inches

What You Get in the Package

  • Rain Cover
  • Seat Unit
  • Seat Fabric
  • Chassis with Wheels and Basket
  • Extendable Sun Canopy
  • Wires and Clamps

The Verdict

The Bugaboo Bee3 is a high-quality product that deserves a bunch of accolades. With its Instagram-worthy looks, you’ll be the envy of your friends. It’s lightweight, compact, and steers like a dream. Easily convertible with an optional bassinet, you can use it for several years. Cleanup is straightforward, and you’ll love the adorable sun canopy and practical rain cover.

On the other hand, the under-seat storage basket could use some upgrading. And sadly, you’re limited to smooth surfaces due to its smaller wheels. Furthermore, the retail price of $719 is pretty stiff, especially when you notice the lack of extra features like an adjustable footrest or belly bar. Nevertheless, the longevity of service you can get from this stroller outweighs the cost.

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